[Fault report] /gs/hs0 - occurred on May 24, 2018


An fault occurred and now temporarily recovered.

1. Summary

Impossible to access a part of /gs/hs0. It has temporarily recovered, but there is the possibility of performance decline.

2. Period

From 19:18 to 19:36, on May 24

3. Details

Around 19:18, panic occurred on ossa3 which manages OST of Lustre (/gs/hs0), thereby It happened not to be able to access to /gs/hs0.
Around 19:36,  it was taken over to ossa2. /gs/hs0 is accessible at present.
It was probably caused by a temporal stall of file I/O to Lustre file system in the period above.

OST, which is supposed to be managed by ossa3, is mounted on ossa2 at present. For that reason, it is possible that I/O bandwidth to /gs/hs0 decline.