

About changes after maintenance (August 2018)


We made the following changes due to maintenance done while TSUBAME was stopped due to campus power outage.


System software

  brefore after
Job scheduler Univa Grid Engine (UGE) 8.5.4C104_8 8.5.4C104_10
OmniPath driver (OPA) 10.6.1 10.7
GPU driver 384.111 390.46
CUDA library 8.0.61 9.1.85
kernel 4.4.103-92.56.1 4.4.121-92.85.1


ISV application




  before after
a2ps 4.14 (no change)
cp2k 5.1 (no change)
cudnn 7.0 7.1
dmtcp 2.5.2 (no change)
fftw 3.3.6 3.3.8
gamess apr202017r1 (no change)
gimp 2.8.22 2.10.4
gnuplot 5.0.6 5.2.4
gromacs 2018.1 (no change)
hadoop 2.8.0 (no change)
hdf5 1.10.1 (no change)
imagemagick 7.0.6 (no change)
jdk 1.8.0_144 1.8.0_172
lammps 31mar2017 (no change)
namd 2.12 2.12-10280711
nccl 2.1.4 2.2.13
openfoam 4.1 6.0
paraview 5.2.0 5.4.0
petsc 3.7.6 3.9.2
php 7.1.6 (no change)
pov-ray (no change)
python 3.6.5 (no change)
python-extension/2.7 numpy         1.12.1
scipy         0.19.1
h5py          2.7.0
mpi4py        2.0.0
pycuda        2017.1
cupy          1.0.1
matplotlib    2.0.2
sympy         1.0
cython        0.25.2
mayavi        4.5.0
pil           1.1.7
pillow        4.2.0
tensorflow    1.2.1
caffe         1.0
chainer       2.0.0
(no change)
python-extension/3.4 numpy         1.12.1     
scipy         0.19.1
h5py          2.7.0
mpi4py        2.0.0
pycuda        2017.1
cupy          1.0.2
matplotlib    2.0.2
sympy         1.1.1
cython        0.26
mayavi        4.5.0
pil           4.2.1
pillow        4.2.1
tensorflow    1.2.1
caffe         1.0
chainer       2.0.0

numpy         1.15.0
scipy         1.1.0
h5py          2.8.0
mpi4py        3.0.0
pycuda        2017.1.1
cupy          4.3.0
matplotlib    2.2.2
sympy         1.2
cython        0.28.4
mayavi        4.6.1
pil           5.2.0
pillow        5.2.0
tensorflow    (deleted)
caffe         (deleted)
chainer       (deleted)

Please use the following each modules for caffe, chainer, tensorflow

caffe   1.0
chainer   4.3.0
tensorflow   1.9.0
r 3.4.1 3.5.0
texlive 20170704 (no change)
tgif 4.2.5 (no change)
tinker 8.1.2 (no change)
tmux 2.5 2.7
visit 2.12.3 (no change)
vtk 8.0.0 (no change)
xpdf 3.04 (no change)


  • Other updates Fixed bug that Luster's OSS stopped Related Links:

 [Disability Report] 2018.5.24: / gs / hs0 failure
 [Disability Report] 2018.6.4: / gs / hs0 failure
 [Disability report] 2018.6.15: / gs / hs0 failure
 [Disability report] 2018.6.25: / gs / hs0 failure

  • Correcting Luster corrupted file
  • Security update of appliance equipment such as firewall
  • Update around Docker