TSUBAME service suspension for cooling system cleaning (11/30-12/2)


TSUBAME3.0 calculation service will be stopped for cleaning of the cooling system as follows. At the same time, we will perform maintenance that cannot be performed during normal operation.

1. period

from 2020/11/30(Mon)9:00  to 12/2(Wed) around the evening

* The time may change.

2.Services to be stopped

 batch queues(all of the compute nodes will be stopped and unavailable.)
 TSUBAME portal
    login nodes (login0,1)
 storage services (/home, /gs/hs0, /gs/hs1)


3.Services not to be stopped

 GSIC hosting (different system from TSUBAME)
 Web page of TSUBAME calculation service(this Web site)
 license servers (TSUBAME 3.0 software that references lice0. Includes campus-distributed software referencing this server)
 Educational computer system (iMac terminal managed by GSIC, separate system from TSUBAME)


4.Main tasks and objectives

 Cleaning of the rooftop cooling tower
 Cleaning of Chiller Cooling Facilities