

Notification of Partial Revisions to Fee List for TSUBAME and Position List to be Applied to Preferential Fees for Tokyo Tech members

(Last Update: 2023.07.05)

Please refer to the Japanese version for authentic text

The Global Scientific Information and Computing Center (GSIC) became the Joint Usage/Research Center in Japan in FY 2010, and it has widely accepted non-Tokyo Tech members as TSUBAME users. GSIC reviewed a range of positions for which a preferential fee was to be applied to Tokyo Tech members, and it revised the fee list for TSUBAME and the position list to which the preferential fee was to be applied. As a result of the revisions, non-Tokyo Tech members collaborating with Tokyo Tech members using competitive public funds such as Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, who had the preferential fee applied until FY 2010, can apply only for a non-preferential fee the same as TSUBAME users under the Partnership Resource Allocations program. Industrial users collaborating with Tokyo Tech members in collaborative research agreements can apply only for the non-preferential fee.

All Tokyo Tech IC card (*1) holders except some access card (*2) holders can apply for the preferential fee. Access cards are issued to Tokyo Tech members in various positions, and GSIC clarified the positions for which the preferential fee can be applied as below.

(*1) Tokyo Tech IC cards are identification cards for Tokyo Tech members, and there are four types of cards: a staff ID card, an adjunct staff ID card, a student ID card, and an access card. All IC card holders except access card holders can use TSUBAME as Tokyo Tech members and can apply for a TSUBAME account at the Tokyo Tech portal site.  

(*2) Access cards represent one type of Tokyo Tech IC card, whose main purpose is to access information systems and buildings after office hours. Access cards are issued to various position members in Tokyo Tech after they have been authorized by their heads of department, submitted a pledge card, and received face-to-face certification.

Access card holders who can use TSUBAME as Tokyo Tech members (with the preferential fee) are as below:

For research purposes (section 4.1 ニ in terms of use):

  • a)  JSPS Postdoctoral positions
  • b)  Short-term foreign students
  • c)  Advisees at other universities
  • d)  Visiting Professors and Visiting Associate Professors
  • e)  Visiting Scholars, visiting fellows, or visiting junior fellows 
  • f)  Tokyo Tech Research Fellows who are not employed by any institutions other than Tokyo Tech
  • g) Students from other institutes who are employed as Tokyo Tech RA (Additional conditions are applied)

For educational purposes (section 4.2 ニ in terms of use):

  • h)  lecturers in charge of classes in Tokyo Tech (Visiting Professors, Visiting Associate Professors, Part-Time Lectureres)

 Additional Conditions for RA: Please submit a letter from the student's advisor to the director of GSIC, which states the consent of the following (no format specified):
 ・The advisor agrees that the student works as Tokyo Tech RA
 ・The project of the RA has no relationship to the student or advisor's research in their home institute, and the RA must not use TSUBAME for other objectives than RA.

Access card holders in positions other than a) - g) cannot use TSUBAME as Tokyo Tech members, and please apply for a TSUBAME account as non-Tokyo Tech member (with the non-preferential fee).
(CAUTION) Positions in this list are independent of local names of positions at Tokyo Tech, such as Research Fellowships. Researchers employed in collaboration with other organizations and Researchers employed through funded research can apply for the non-preferential fee. Holders of other positions who can apply for the preferential fee may be added after being authorized by the Partnership Resource Allocations Committee of GSIC.

How to apply for TSUBAME account

Access card holders who would like to apply for the preferential fee should apply for a TSUBAME account at the Tokyo Tech portal site, and then submit a copy of the certification for the applicable position to the computer system team of GSIC (mailbox E2-2 or send scanned PDF via T2Box to computer [at] o [dot] cc [dot] titech [dot] ac [dot] jp).

Example documents:

  • Documents issued by Tokyo Tech that mentions the positions above (for a), documents by JSPS is also accepted)
  • Excerpt of the minutes of school or department meeting, that mentions the position above
  • If the position can be objectively verified by the staff directory or the official website of Tokyo Tech (including departments, etc.) (In this case, please omit attaching documents and send an e-mail with pointers.)

Your account will not be activated until we receive appropriate certifications.

If you lose the position listed above or become ineligible for preferential fees, such as to be employed by other institutes, please report us via the contact form.

Other access card holders with a non-preferential fees cannot apply for a TSUBAME account via Tokyo Tech portal; choose an appropriate program from the list in section 3 of this page and follow the instructions.