

About license restriction of ISV applications

There are some restrictions apply to the use of applications within the university as follows.
(Except for Gaussian and AMBER, which are applications with no limit on the number of concurrent executions.

What's new

2022.04.25 Materials Studio : 7Taken limitation for concurrent usage per user at TSUBAME. Additional limitation for use of polymorph at Lab PCs.

Please do not occupy the number of licenses.
If you are using the application in a laboratory, etc., the license will be consumed even if the application is still running, so please make sure to stop the application after you finish using it.


License usage may be suspended without warning if license occupancy or prolonged use is observed.



 Maximum continuous use: 1 week
 Below limits are per person usage (excluding Materials Studio)


execution location restriction
TSUBAME compute node 140Token limitation for solver(QSD and QXT)
TSUBAME login node There are execution limitation except for CAE/CAX base license
Lab PC same as login node

*1 Due to the specifications of the License Manager, it cannot be applied automatically to all user accounts, and there will be a time lag before the restriction takes effect. Therefore, you may be temporarily exempt from the license restrictions.


execution location restriction
TSUBAME compute node 4Token limitation for base license
64Token limitation for HPC license
TSUBAME login node 4Token limitation for base license
forbidden to execute HPC license
Lab PC same as login node

Materials Studio

execution location restriction
TSUBAME compute node 20 Taken limitation for simultaneous use of CASTEP, DMol3(*total number of all users) 
7Taken limitation for concurrent usage per user
TSUBAME login node forbidden
Lab PC limitation for use of CASTEP, DMol3 and polymorph
4Taken limitation of concurrent use of COMPASS
limitation of simultaneous use of visualizer
6Taken limitation for concurrent usage per user(total sum with DiscoveryStudio)

Discovery Studio

execution location restriction
TSUBAME compute node forbidden
TSUBAME login node forbidden
Lab PC 20Taken limitation for concurrent use of CHARMM andCHARMM Lite
limitation of concurrent use of visualizer
6Taken limitation for concurrent usage per user(total sum with MaterialsStudio)


execution location restriction
TSUBAME compute node Unrestricted
TSUBAME login node Unrestricted
Lab PC Only available for Maestro

related URL
On suspension of license addition in the busy season of 2018

Notice of the restriction of using ABAQUS analysis on login node and temporary unavailable of it due to maintenance of the license server

Notification to apply the license restriction for ANSYS (Jan. 31)