

Supplement for TSUBAME point

TSUBAME point is consumed when you submit a job or purchase a group disc.

1. How to confirm points
You can check the following information at TSUBAME3 Portal and command line.
In the case of the portal, you can check it below.

  • Number of points consumed for each job submitted to the batch job scheduler
  • Points consumed in purchasing group disc

For the command line please check the following
FAQ How to check TSUBAME points, group disk usage, home directory usage

2. Consumption of points
Points will be consumed based on Article 13 here.
The points consumed depend on the user and usage.
Please confirm here for details.

3. Purchase points
Points can be purchased at the TSUBAME 3 portal.
For details, please check TSUBAME Portal User's Guide.

4. Point expiration date
Points purchased within the fiscal year will expire at the end of that fiscal year. For details, please refer to the following (in Japanese).

8.1.     Points available for purchase and validity period

課金等に関する取扱い「第6条 ポイントは,購入した年度に限り有効とする」("Treatment concerning billing. 6. points are valid only for purchased fiscal year")