TSUBAME points, group disk usage status, home directory usage status can now be checked with commands.
The command "t3-user-info" can be used only with the login node(login0,login1) .
It can not be executed on compute nodes.
Each command option is required for confirmation.
GSICUSER@login1:~> t3-user-info usage: t3-user-info [command] [sub command] [option] [command] [sub_command] [option] group point : Output the points of the Tsubame Group. : Without option : show all belonging groups. [-g] <group name> : extract the specified group. disk group : Output the purchase amount and use amount of Tsubame Group disk. : Without option : show all belonging groups. [-g] <group name> : extract the specified group. home : Output the use limit and used of the home disk. |
- Command examples for checking group points.
In the following example, it is assumed that "GSICUSER" user participating in the group "GSIC_GROUP", "GSIC" executes the command.Please use "your user name" and "participating group name" when actually executing the command.
1.When checking the situation of all participating groups
You can check the situation where TSUBAME points of "GSIC_GROUP" and "GSIC" of participating group are 17218631 and 95680000 , and deposit is 0, 124000 spectively.
GSICUSER@login1:~> t3-user-info group point gid group_name deposit balance |
2.When checking the status of the designated group
You can check the situation where the TSUBAME point of the specified GSIC_GROUP group is 17218631 and deposit is 124000.
GSICUSER@login1:~> t3-user-info group point -g GSIC_GROUP gid group_name deposit balance -------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 tga-hpe_group00 124000 17218631 |
- To check the usage status of the group disk
In the specified GSIC_GROUP group, only / gs / hs1 is purchased, about 60 TB of the 100 TB quota limit is used,
Regarding the inode limit, we can check the situation of using 7.5 million out of the 200 million quota limit.
GSICUSER@login1:~> t3-user-info disk group -g GSIC_GROUP /gs/hs0 /gs/hs1 /gs/hs2 gid group_name size(TB) quota(TB) file(M) quota(M) size(TB) quota(TB) file(M) quota(M) size(TB) quota(TB) file(M) quota(M) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0007 GSIC_GROUP 0.00 0 0.00 0 59.78 100 7.50 200 0.00 0 0.00 0 |
- When checking the use status of the home directory
Of the 25 GB quota limit, 7 GB is used,
Regarding the inode limit, we can check the situation that we are using approximately 100,000 out of the 2 million quota limit.
GSICUSER@login1:~> t3-user-info disk home uid name b_size(GB) b_quota(GB) i_files i_quota --------------------------------------------------------------- 0177 GSICUSER 7 25 101446 2000000 |