

License restriction on ISV application usage

The following usage restrictions apply when using the application on campus.
(Excluding Gaussian, AMBER of unrestricted application)

Please do not occupy applications that have a small number of licenses.
Be sure to stop the application after the end of application use.

If a license is found to be occupied for a long period of time, the license may be forcibly recalled without warning. This will result in unstable operation of the application. In some cases, the connection may be blocked. (Only from Lab PCs)


 Longest continuous use period:1 week
 Restriction is per capita usage (excluding Materials Studio)


Execution location limitation
TSUBAME compute node Solver limits 140 Token
TSUBAME login node There are restrictions on execution other than CAE
Laboratory terminal Like login node


Execution location limitation
TSUBAME compute node Base license is limited to 4 Token
HPC license is limited to 64 Token
TSUBAME login node Base license is limited to 4 Token
HPC license can not be executed
Laboratory terminal Like login node

Materials Studio

Execution location limitation
TSUBAME compute node CASTEP and DMol3 are Number of simultaneous usage 20 Token limit
(Total number of all users)
TSUBAME login node Unavailable
Laboratory terminal CASTEP and DMol3 are Unavailable
COMPASS is Number of simultaneous usage 4 Token limit
Multiple start of visualizer is prohibited

Discovery Studio

Execution location limitation
TSUBAME compute node Unavailable
TSUBAME login node Unavailable
Laboratory terminal

CHARMM and CHARMM Lite are Number of simultaneous usage 20 Token limit
Multiple start of visualizer is prohibited

Limit of 6 tokens per user (total with MaterialsStudio)

Related URL
On suspension of license addition in the busy season of 2018

Notice of the restriction of using ABAQUS analysis on login node and temporary unavailable of it due to maintenance of the license server

Notification to apply the license restriction for ANSYS (Jan. 31)

Software distribution service

Application software