

Announcement of Materials Studio 2021, Discovery Studio 2021


We are pleased to announce the release of Materials Studio 2021 on TSUBAME.

Discovery Studio is only available as a software distribution because it does not work on TSUBAME.
Materials Studio is an application that uses scripts stored in the installation directory. Therefore there is no its module file.

The following is the configuration.


・Installation directory


・Example:A script for DMol3 module execution


・License manager installation path


・License manager environment variable


・What to add to the job script

#$ -v LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/apps/t3/sles12sp2/isv/materialsstudio/MaterialsStudio21.1/lib:/apps/t3/sles12sp2/isv/discoverystudio/BIOVIA_LicensePack/linux/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#$ -v BIOVIA_LIC_PACK_DIR=/apps/t3/sles12sp2/isv/discoverystudio/BIOVIA_LicensePack/

For more detail, please refer to User's Guide.

Software distribution for campus users also will be started, please refer to software distribution for more detail.