Oct. 20, 2017
Abaqus Standard / Explicit execution at the login node is forbidden because the processes of Abaqus analysis on login node frequently occur heavy load of the login node and exhaustion of Abaqus analysis token. Please use batch node or interactive node by qrsh command. Abaqus CAE with a small load can be executed on the login node as before.
We are planning to change the setting of license server in order to disable execution of Abaqus analysis process on login node. the Abaqus service will be unavailable during the period below. A new job of Abaqus can not be executed during the period, and the running job will be terminated.
We apologize for any inconvenience. thank you for your cooperation.
Date and Time
Monday, October 23, 2017 (around 13: 00-17: 00) *Resume as soon as confirm the operation
During the maintenance, the followings are unabailable:
Use of Abaqus, Abaqus CAE on TSUBAME
Use of Abaqus CAE distributed in laboratories etc.