

MATLAB Individual license

About MATLAB Individual license (formerly known as Student license)

Since March 2015 we signed MATLAB's Total Academic Headcount (TAH) license with MathWorks. This allows all students and faculty stuff to use MATLAB unlimitedly at the university. We can install and use it for our personal PC and laboratories PC of assets of university without limitation of number.

Who can use

All faculty stuff and students in TITECH (If you are a researcher who is not in an employment relationship and engaged in academic research, please follow this).


This license is permitted for use by students for research and educational purposes only and can not be used for commercial or industrial use. Purchase the necessary license for these purposes.

Internet connection is essential for using student license. You will need to connect to MathWorks site during product download, installation and activation.

Please uninstall if you leave the university due to graduation etc. 

Please check this support page for problems caused by installation and use. Individual support is provided at MATLAB office Hour of Center for Innovative Education Teaching.


Create an account on MyMathWorks.


In the e-mail address field, enter your mail addpress of m.titech.ac.jp domain and click Create. You can not use other mail address of titech.ac.jp domain of free e-mail address. (accounts can be created but products can not be activated) 
Keep the country and region "Japan", and select "Student" or "Teacher/Researcher in Academia" for question "How will you use MathWorks software?*. 

A mail with the subject "mail address authentication" arrives from mathworks.com, so click "Confirm mail" from  the link in the mail text to authenticate the mail address. Then a page for entering personal information, please enter your name in Japanese, department, and name in English. The notation of your name must be same as you entered at Tokyo Tech Portal. There are many cases where the last name and first name are entered in reverse. Please enter carefully. In the "Which one is closes to your role?" and "Departmetn name" column, please choose the one closest to the grade, affiliation, major. The user ID is used for login and is not mandatory. 
Please set the password different from Tokyo Tech Portal. Do not reuse the password.
Please enter "Tokyo Institute of Technology" as school name. Activation key has not been requuired.

Once activation is complete, you will be able to see the license management page from My License. If anything other than the mail address of m.titech.ac.jp was specified, an error will be issued and the license will not be added. 


Download, install, activation

Please see the installation guide for details. 

Go to License Center and check that product is listed. 
If you did not associate the license at the time of registration and the license number is not displayed, please enter the activation key.
If the product is displayed please click the "Download" button and download the installer of the product you  want to install. 

Launch the installer, select "Log in to MathWorks Account", enter the e-mail address and password of the registered account and install. In "Selection of license", please confirm that "Academic - Total Headcount" license is selected. In "Specify the product to be installed", check the product you want to install. For available products, please click here

After installation is complete, continue to product activation. Please enter the activation key. 


Authentication by E-mail address

When one year passes from registration, an authentication mail will be sent to the registered mail address. Please click the URL in the mail text to complete the authentication. The expiration date will be extended and you will continue to use MATLAB. If authentication is not done, MATLAB expires and will not be available until reauthentication.