

I want to install and use my library in R

In TSUBAME3, R - 3.4.1 is available.
In addition to the basic package, the libraries available as default are as follows.
Rmpi, rpud, rpudplus

Please use library() command to check other available libraries.

If you wish to use a library other than the above, you will need your own installation operation.
Since the installation directory of R is impossible due to the permission relationship, you can install / manage your own library after specifying the library path. The procedure is as follows.

Assuming that the library path is $HOME/Rlib, the library name is testlib, and the testlib.tar.gz is the source package, and operate as follows.

Load modules:
>module load cuda openmpi r

Create library installation directory (if nothing):
>mkdir ~/Rlib

Downlod package:
>cd ~/Rlib
>wget https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/testlib.tar.gz

Install library
> R CMD INSTALL -l $HOME/Rlib testlib.tar.gz

Your own installation library settings:
> export R_LIBS_USER=$HOME/Rlib

Use your library:
> R