

Port forward configuration for each terminal software

How to configure port forwarding for each terminal software as follows.

Please try the followings with allocating a compute node by qrsh/qsub.

As an example, suppose a compute node r7i7n7 is allocated, and connect local PC port 5901 to r7i7n7 port 5901.


1. MobaXterm

Tunneling -> New SSH Tunnel -> My computer with MobaXterm, input 5901 into "Forwarded port", in SSH server, input login.t3.gsic.titech.ac.jp into "SSH server", input username into "defaultuser", input 22 into "SSH port", in Remote server, input r7i7n7 into "Remote server", input 5901 into "Remote port" and save、choose key icon under Settings tab,  and start the configured tunnel



2. OpenSSH/WSL


$  ssh -L 5901:r7i7n7:5901 -i <private key> -f -N <uesrname>@login.t3.gsic.titech.ac.jp

3. PuTTY

PuTTY Configuration -> Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels, input 5901 into "Source Port", r7i7n7:5901 into "Destination" and click "Add" and Open


 4. teraterm

Setup->SSH forwarding->Add->input 5901 into "Forward local port", input r7i7n7 into "to remote machine", and input 5901 into "port" then click "OK"
