

About file transfer

File transfer by rsync, scp, and sftp is available on TSUBAME3.
As well as login, you need to access with your SSH private key which is a pair of your SSH public key registered in TSUBAME3 portal.
Also, please check the settings of the application you are using carefully, as some applications may time out.

To install a file transfer application

If you are using MobaXterm or RLogin, it is easier to use the built-in file transfer function of these software.

If you are using other software such as PuTTY for connection, you need to install a file transfer application such as FileZilla or WinSCP that supports sftp and rsync protocols.
In this case, as well as login, you need to access using SSH private key which is a pair of SSH public key registered in TSUBAME3 portal.
For Filezilla and WinSCP, you can use the .ppk format key files that you usually use for PuTTY.
For details on how to use each software, please refer to the manual of each software.

If the option feature "OpenSSH Client" in Windows 10 is enabled, you can use scp and sftp command from command prompt or powershell.

If you are using Linux/Mac/Cygwin (Windows) etc. (rsync, scp, sftp commands)

In these environments, rsync, scp, and sftp commands are available.

Describes three ways each, rsync, scp, sftp.


To transfer from the local to the remote host, execute the following command.
If you set the standard path/file name as the key pair location, the -i option is not required.

$ rsync -av --progress -e "ssh -i Private_Key_File -l Login_Name" Local_Directory Remote_Host:Remote_Directory

Local_Directory is the transfer source, Remote_Host:Remote_Directory is the transfer destination. For example, the command when the user with login name "GSCIUSER00" copies the current directory to /gs/hs0/GSIC of TSUBAME 3.0 using ~/.ssh/ecdsa of private key is as follows.

$ rsync -av --progress -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/ecdsa -l GSICUSER00" ./ login.t3.gsic.titech.ac.jp:/gs/hs0/GSIC

For details such as how to specify the transfer source and tranfer destination, please execute the following command and confirm it.

$ man rsync


To transfer from local to remote host, execute the following command.
If you set the standard path/file name as the key pair location, the -i option is not required.

$ scp -i Private_Key_File Login_Name@Remote_Host:Remote_Directory Local_directory

Please enter the suitable phrase for your situation in the < >.For example, the command when the user with login name "GSCIUSER00" copies the current directory to /gs/hs0/GSIC of TSUBAME 3.0 using ~/.ssh/ecdsa of private key is as follows.

$ scp -i ~/.ssh/ecdsa GSICUSER00@login.t3.gsic.titech.ac.jp:/gs/hs0/GSIC .

For details such as how to specify the transfer source and tranfer destination, please execute the following command and confirm it.

$ man scp


To transfer interactively, execute the following command.
If you set the standard path/file name as the key pair location, the -i option is not required.

$ sftp -i Private_Key_File Login_Name@Remote_Host

For example, the command when the user with login name "GSCIUSER00" copies the current directory to /gs/hs0/GSIC of TSUBAME 3.0 using ~/.ssh/ecdsa of private key is as follows.

$ sftp -i ~/.ssh/ecdsa GSICUSER00@login.t3.gsic.titech.ac.jp

For details such as how to specify the transfer source and tranfer destination, please execute the following command and confirm it.

$ man sftp


To use CIFS access

In addition, only on-campus terminals can be accessed via CIFS.

The CIFS address is \\gshs.t3.gsic.titech.ac.jp.
Please note that even in the campus network, CIFS may be blocked by routers on the way, in which case it cannot be used.

For storages provided on TSUBAME3, refer to 3.3. Storage service (CIFS)" in TSUBAME3.0 User's Guide.